So he deleted everything I said ....

Lesson of the day:  don’t try to help someone who refuses to listen.

Yes, I know I’m being a bit vague...

But when a lawyer gives you free legal advice, even if you don’t take it, the response should be “Thank you for your concern.”

It should NOT be “I deleted all her comments from my blog because I’m tired of the negativity.”

Lord help him if those chickens come home to roost.

I’m sure he will find a way to blame me.


  1. You have me wondering and even shivering a little. Perhaps it is best if we don't know the story behind this. Alana

  2. Not to worry, Alana, the photos in your blog are your own. You haven’t used the copyrighted work of a professional photographer without permission and without giving the photographer credit for his work. Not to mention, distorting the artist’s meaning.

  3. You seem to have common sense I sure hope it all comes out of the wash all sparkle is on

  4. Yes, that guy has no humility and he certainly has no appreciation; 'tis a shame. He even removed your comment about Mexican food.


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