feeling old

It's just a song, right?  Just a song on the radio.  I haven't heard it for awhile, but it's still familiar.  I know all the words, I start to sing along.  I'm enjoying myself.

And then...the lightning bolt.

I am listening to the "oldies" station.  Not the "adult contemporary" station.  And this song is from 1999.

Yes, 1999

"Oldies" used to mean the 1950's (before I was born) and the 1960's.  Eventually the music from the 70's was added to the playlist.  And when the 50's disappeared and music from the 80's began to show up on the "oldies" station, well...ok, that's to be expected, I suppose. 

But 1999?

In 1999 my children were in elementary school.    The song I heard on the radio this morning was something that they listened to all the time.  I may still have the CD in the house somewhere. 

When did I get so old that the music my children listened to has joined the ranks of "Oldies"?

So let's travel back in time to the pre-iPod world, to the era of boom box and Discman, when we all thought Y2K would fry our computers ... and listen to the song that made me feel ancient this morning:


  1. I love "All Star".

    They move song more quickly to the "oldies" station nowadays. Seriously. They must. Because 1999? Nope. That's just ridiculous.


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