Frustration ...and finally, relief

Remember back in May, I wrote about my right knee and my visit to an orthopedist?

Well, things didn't go exactly as planned.

I'd been experiencing pain in my right knee for months when I finally saw the doctor in May. He did a physical exam, took x-rays, and ordered an  MRI.  

He told me that my best treatment option was a gel injection.  He told me that the gel would have to be special-ordered, that it would take some time.   In the interim, he gave me a topical cream to ease the pain.

When the topical cream proved ineffective, he prescribed an oral anti inflammatory instead.

The pill provided some relief ...

In early July the specialty pharmacy called me.  The gel had arrived, but they could not dispense it because they were waiting for authorization from my insurance company. And the insurance company was waiting for information from my doctor.

And that's when things started to go south.

Part of it was my own fault, I guess,  but ... I spent most of the summer calling the pharmacy, hoping the authorization arrived.  They'd tell me that the insurance company was still waiting for information from the doctor.  So I'd contact the doctor, and they'd reassure me they'd take care of it.

Meanwhile my knee was getting worse.

Finally I called the insurance company myself.  Should have done that earlier.

24 hours later, the insurance company made its decision.

The answer was "no".

My insurance company won't authorize the gel injection until I've tried at least two of three alternate therapies-- anti inflammatories, physical therapy and/or cortisone shots.

Wish I'd known that back in May.  I could have been treating the problem instead of getting more and more frustrated.

Needless to say, that doctor does not want me to fill out any kind of patient satisfaction survey.

On Friday I saw my new doctor. He read the radiology reports from May, took x-rays and did an exam. 

Treatment options?  Well, he knew that my insurance company wasn't going to approve the gel injection even before I told him what my experience has been.   He thinks it may be an option eventually.  But his treatment plan includes all three alternate treatments.  I'm to continue with the anti inflammatory, I'm going to physical therapy, and he gave me a cortisone injection.

I feel better already.

Another chapter in how to be a proactive patient.


  1. Oh wow. That so sucks. So glad you got a new doc after that fiasco. Ouch.


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