Weekend update

 So the big news from the weekend, of course, was Becca.  She’s home now and being lavished with attention.  My son-in-law kept us updated during the surgery, and we FaceTimed with her Saturday night. 

It was Drew’s birthday Friday.  We did a lot of celebrating.  We went to the Asian buffet Friday night. 

Saturday was egg cream day at Bobb Howard's.  Free egg creams, popcorn  and pretzel rods. Goodie bags for all patrons.  And we bought lots of candy.  Here’s my haul.

And Saturday night we went to Blackstone Steakhouse.  Drew hasps skirt steak, I had filet mignon.  And they brought him a donut with a candle in it,

By the time we finished dinner it was starting to snow. We got about 5 inches.  Around midnight, even before the plows came down our street,  I heard my neighbor shoveling snow. You know, the neighbor who left about a foot of snow on the sidewalk last time.   When we went out Sunday morning to shovel our driveway and sidewalk,  we got a pleasant surprise … that neighbor cleared the snow on the sidewalk to the property line.

But the neighbor on the other side?  Last time, they didn’t shovel their driveway at all.  This time around, they shoveled after we did …and left snow …

The fence post is the property line. All that snow is on their side of the line. 

Oh, well.

We went to the movies Sunday afternoon.

It’s a very interesting interpretation, with a focus on the psychological aspects. Drew complained it was hard to understand some of the actors because of their Scottish accents, but I enjoyed the film.

Jen came over Sunday night to do laundry.  I’m not much of a football fan, but Jen loves it, so we watched the Super Bowl.  Jen rooted for KC because she’s a Swiftie.  I think Drew rooted for them, too, but I like to root for the underdog, so I cheered for the Eagles.   At least the commercials were entertaining. And we enjoyed the subs from Jersey Mike’s.


  1. It sounds like a full weekend. I don't care about football either. It looks like you tend to like chewy candy!

  2. You saw more of the Super Bowl than I did. Sounds like an enjoyable weekend.


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