More this and that

 Supermarket shopping on a Tuesday afternoon (after work) is relatively easy, the store isn’t very crowded.   But why do they make it so difficult for us short girls to reach the things we want? 

At least the store has a nice selection of gluten free foods. 

I bought fresh Brussels sprouts and cooked them in my air fryer.  They get so crispy!  

Tomorrow night I’ll have Zoodles with spaghetti sauce.  

I’m home alone tonight, just me and the cats.  Drew is at a rehearsal for Pinafore.  I’m so glad he’s doing the show!  He loves Gilbert & Sullivan and he’s really having fun.  I told him that I’ll be happy to sell tickets or anything else they might need — as a former PTA participant, dance and cheer mom, and Sisterhood member, I’m very familiar with fundraising …

I don’t know the dates of the performances yet, but I think we will have a very busy time in June and July.

And because I’m home alone I get to indulge in tv shows that Drew won’t watch.  Like Chopped.  Weirdly creative.  Tonight’s episode features soul food.  

And I just saw yet another commercial corrupting my memory using a song from my teen years,  sigh…

I am the only one awake right now …

Ah, the life of a pampered house cat.


  1. I grocery shop after work on weekdays, too. Although, I seem to hit the shops when the nearby schools get off, so they get really busy right then.


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