Music Monday

 And the theme today

Love Songs or Songs about Breaking Up or a combo of the the two

I’ve done love songs before, more than once, so today I’ll do break up songs.  People have different ways of dealing with a break up.

This first song deals with a cycle of breaking up, reuniting, then breaking up again.


Let’s hear from some strong women.  Gloria Gaynor found her strength.


Kelly Clarkson found her life improved


Who was the subject of Carly’s song?


Pink apparently misplaced her husband


Don’t get on Carrie’s bad side


CCR heard some rumors 


Rod came to realize the relationship wasn’t good for him 


Roxette  knew it was over


Billy Ray didn’t care what anyone said about him


Neil didn’t want to break up 


Yeah, breaking up is hard to do.  It hurts.  But sometimes it’s for the best.  And break ups produce great songs, don’t they?



  1. A great playlist here. Very nice.

  2. Perfect playlist of break up songs! "You're So Vain" and "Maggie May" trigger many memories. ♥

  3. Good set! You're right break ups do produce great songs and we're such suckers for those super hits! :) Have a boogietastic week, Robin!! xo

  4. Great Pink who is more empowering than Kelly and Carrie who need to see a psychiatrist before going to jail. Love that Carly Simon song which, I believe, it's about Warren Beatty

  5. Oh the memories from college that Maggie May and You're So Vain bring up. But my favorite today was Pink's song - too bad I couldn't blast it on full volume because my laptop doesn't do full volume - oh well!

  6. An amazing play list I really enjoyed bit thank you 💜

  7. Great choices, Songbirdie. We especially love Rod Stewart's and Roxette's...errr...break up😸😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞


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