Rest in Peace, Bud Harrelson

 A member of the 1969 Miracle Mets, a fixture in Flushing for most of his career, remembered for an infamous encounter with Pete Rose.

And co-owner and longtime manager of the Long Island Ducks.  He showed up at games to greet the fans long after his active days managing the team had ended,  

Bud Harrelson, Dead at 79


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah. We’d see him at Ducks games after the diagnosis was announced, and he just looked happy to be on the ball field. When he stopped showing up we knew things had to be bad.

  2. What if I told you that my finance (now my husband) and I were at game 3 of the 73 playoffs? So yes this is a sad day for me. (That game was probably the highlight of my baseball watching career, other than seeing Bob Feller pitch at Cooperstown in 2009-that's on my blog somewhere). When I told my husband that Harrelson had passed on, he immediately said "I wonder if Pete Rose will go to his funeral". Rest in peace, Bud. As John said Alzheimer's is a crappy way to go.


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