Music Monday

 Another free choice week.

Before we get into the music, let’s take a moment to remember that awful day 22 years ago.  Drew and I visited the memorial and the museum in 2014.  You can read about that here.

Last weekend (September 1) we saw Bruce Springsteen at MetLife Stadium.  So glad we got to go.  It seems Bruce has to postpone the rest of his concerts this month because of illness.

 MetLife, home of the NY Jets and the NY Giants, is actually in New Jersey.  It took us two hours to drive there but only an hour to drive home — we hit a ton of traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway.  Got to the stadium early and tailgated — I brought a sandwich and Drew brought a snack. Later we bought food at the concessions — I found the Gluten Free Grille and had a great burger.

We had great seats, field level.  I would have preferred floor seats, but you take what you can get.

Here’s the Set list.

Yeah, he sang for three hours.

He did three shows at MetLife — Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  We were there Friday.  I found this fan video from the Sunday show, he told the same story Friday.


So wistful, so poignant.  None of us are getting any younger, are we?

But Bruce was wonderful.  

Let’s do some of his hits.




And this last song ….

I went to the State University of New York at Albany.  This song was our unofficial anthem.  It seems that in 1975 (a few years before I got there) the campus radio station switched from AM to FM, and this Springsteen hit was the very first song the new station played.



  1. Bruce Springsteen is one of the best american singers, and not only in the United States, he is one of the best rock singers worldwide.

  2. I would love to see Bruce in concert. He's awesome! Did you ever see Blinded By The Light? It's a movie about a Bruce fan with all of his great music in it. Thanks for the rockin' post!

  3. Wow, so very cool. Super nice. Happy for you.

  4. Oh lucky you. I would have loved to see this in person. He's fabulous.

    Have a fabulous day and week and may it be filled with beautiful music. ♥

  5. You can hear his voice is older now. It must have hit him hard knowing he's the last one of his original band. The rest died too young. I always like him and his music is great.

  6. I'm so glad you had a good time at the concert.

  7. That's pawsome, Songbirdie😸 We have heard him too, his performance was near to our house and with the wind in the right direction we were having a free concert, great huh😺 Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

  8. Oh How The Pretty Days Fly On By - Keep On Keeping On - Be Well This Weekend



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