More this and that

 Yes, it’s definitely fall - we’ve had cold and wet weather.  The rain is supposed to stop and the sun will come out tomorrow, but the cooler temperatures have definitely arrived.  I’ve put away the summer clothes and brought out my sweaters.

I bought a few Halloween decorations for the lawn.  Nothing over the top, just a few things to get into the holiday spirit.   Would it surprise you that some of the decorations are feline? Yeah, I’m slightly obsessed with cats.

I’m hearing that we are supposed to have a very snowy winter.  That does not make me happy.  I’ve got a brand new winter coat and warm, sturdy boots, but I am so happy I can work from home and won’t have to drive in bad weather. I’m picturing myself at home, curled up with two cats, watching the snow fall.  

But for now I’m enjoying autumn.  


  1. Yes, it's a bit of a shock trying to adjust to the cold weather (and we are going to have a small return to the 70's for the next few days) but wint...I mean, fall, is here.

  2. That's the best: watching the bad weather from the comfort of your own home without the need to leave.


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