Saturday 9


Woman in Love

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! 

Saturday 9: Woman in Love (1980)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Barbra dreams of love. What's something you've been dreaming of, or wishing for, lately? (It doesn't have to be romantic.)  

Just thinking of the upcoming months and some of the things I'd like to do, weather and virus permitting. Something fun for Halloween, I think.   

2) She sings that she and her lover are oceans apart. Tell us about someone who is far away, and that you wish was nearer this Saturday morning.

I can't think of anyone who is physically distant.   People who are long gone, however.... 

3) This was a #1 hit for Streisand, so popular it knocked Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" out of the top spot on the charts. Are you a Freddie Mercury/Queen fan?

But of course.

4) This song was written specifically for Barbra by Barry and Robin Gibb of the BeeGees. During the late 1970s, when the BeeGees were riding high on the success of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, she let them know she was a fan and would love to record one of their songs. The collaboration went so well that they ended up writing not one but nearly a dozen songs for her. Tell us about something that went way better for you than you predicted it would.

Hmmm ... I'm usually an optimist, so I go into most things with high expectations.  I was a bit scared when I moved into this apartment in December, first time I have ever lived comletely alone.  But I am enjoying it.

5) Barbra traveled to Miami Beach to record this song in Barry's favorite studio. Have you ever been to Miami Beach?
The first time I went to Miami Beach was in 1972, when it was a haven for Jewish grandparents.  My grandmother took me and my sister to the beach for two weeks, and it was a lot of fun.  

6) Barbra went to Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn. She had a mad crush on one of her classmates. That boy was Bobby Fischer, who grew up to be an international chess champion. Do you remember one of your big high school crushes? Do you know whatever became of him or her?

My first real crsuh was a year older than I, it was unrequited, and I have no idea where he is now.

7) Barbra is responsible for the Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai. It's dedicated to the study of heart disease, its impact on women, and the search for more effective treatment. If you could fund a not-for-profit, as Barbra has done, what cause would you champion?
I do a lot of fundrasing for the 
8) In 1980, when "Woman in Love" was popular, Macaulay Culkin was born. He's best known for the Home Alone movies. Have you seen them? If yes, did you enjoy them?

Yes I saw them and yes I enjoyed them.
  And I'm glad a certain someone has been edited out of the second movie...

9) Random question: On social media, people keystroke LOL all the time. When is the last time you literally laughed out loud?  

Drew was being silly and made one of his awful jokes, but I couldn't resist laughing...


  1. I absolutely love living by myself.

  2. Replies
    1. A certain NYC real estate mogul who at one time owned the Plaza had a cameo. Later he made a name for himself as a reality tv star and eventually entered politics. Though I hear his next gif may be convicted felon.

  3. #2...yes, the people that are long gone I miss so much. I lived by myself for a while. It was awesome. I am an only child though, so I was in bliss. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  4. I have never lived by myself and have assured my husband that if he goes first I will be in absolutely no hurry to remarry because I want to experience it.

  5. I saw the second movie so long ago I'd forgotten where it took place. Eek. I have never lived by myself. I married young and went from my parents house to living with a husband. But my husband was gone for 24 hours at at time 10 days out of the month and I learned to do things without him. Now he's home all the time and I miss those nights alone.

  6. I'm glad your living arrangement is working out so well. PS Doesn't Streisand in white look good against your black background? I think she'd approve.

    1. Yep, it’s a stunning photo on a black background

  7. It's funny, I know people who are far away, but I don't exactly miss them. Is that bad? I suppose that's bad.


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