Music Monday

 Today's theme:  In honor of Marie’s mama’s birthday build a playlist with her favorite artists Dean Martin, Glen Miller, & Frank Sinatra.

My favorite Dean Martin song, it's played in the movie "Moonstruck".

He always looks like he's having the time of his life.

Glenn Miller...this is the first thing I think of when I hear that name....

and another favorite:

But I saved the best for last.  Old Blue Eyes himself:

Here's Frank with Dean on the Jerry Lewis telethon in 1976, singing and clowning around:

And for the big finish:


  1. Good Frank songs; I like so many I could barely remember which ones were my favorite.

  2. Robin,

    I love Dean Martin! You're right, he looks like he's having fun and I generally got that feeling every time I saw him on TV. Frank Sinatra is a good singer but he isn't my favorite. The Glenn Miller is fabulous. There's something so special about that big band sound. His disappearance is still a mystery. I don't think I ever heard if they found his plane. Wouldn't it be interesting to learn what happened? Thanks for hitting the 4M dance floor today, my friend. Have a boogietastic week!

  3. Great songs and I think we picked a bunch of the same but they all our such classic songs.

  4. I guess all of us picked "In the Mood" and I agree with Cathy, you just can't beat that big band sound. I am a Frank Sinatra lover and although I didn't pick "My Way", it is a favorite of mine. Now, Dean and Louie Armstrong was quite the duet, too. Both looked like they were having the time of their lives. Nice set! Alana

  5. Some nice tunes there from some cool singers!


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