Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. Have you done more binge watching this past year than in 'normal' years? Any plans to break that habit in 2021? Tell us one or two shows you binged last year that you really liked. 

My TV habits haven't changed much.  I loved The Mandalorian.  I'm falling behind on Mrs. Maisel. 

2. January 26th is Australia Day. Have you ever visited or lived in Australia? Have you ever tasted Vegemite, and if so what did you think?  Is a trip down under on your bucket list? We answered a question about travel three months ago (the October 21st Hodgepodge), but let's revisit now...where are you when it comes to planning or even imagining travel this year? 

I've never been down under, would like to go someday.  What on earth is "Vegemite"?  I've been curious about that since the 80's.

Our 2020 travel was very local.  I'm thinking 2021 will be local too.  Eventually I want to go back to the Caribbean.

3. Something that zaps your energy? Something that energizes you?

Believe it or not, sitting at my desk for long periods is very draining.   I should probably spend more time walking in the neighborhood, it does energize me.

4. On a scale of 1-10 what are your eating habits like these days? (1=all junk food all the time and 10= juicing every green thing in the frig) Healthiest meal you've eaten in the last week or so?   

I am probably about a 5.  I like my junk food.  I've been eating a lot more chicken and fish lately, and I do like veggies, so I'm OK, I guess.

5. What's your most often 'Back in my day....' thing to say? 

The pre-cell phone struggles were real...

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Pitchers and catchers  report 2/17/2021.  Let's Go Mets!


  1. You are a baseball fan. Me too!
    The Blue Jays are building a team!!!
    Out of the four of us in my family, 3 are Brewer fans and one is a Yankee fan. ;-)

  2. Vegemite is a disgusting attempt to keep people from eating Nutella or peanut butter.
    I can tell when I haven't been out for a walk often enough--my legs will let me know!
    Yes--before cell phones is definitely something I say.

  3. I agree with the pre-cell days! Enjoy your week!

  4. If I don't get out of the house for a walk, I feel it. I get cabin-fevery.

  5. Robin,

    When I'm in front of the computer for too long it drains me, too. I'm trying to get more active this year. It's a slow process but I will get there. :)

  6. Songbird, I guess Vegemite is one of those things. I tasted it once and thought it was one of the vilest things to exist on this planet. Every Australian out there would totally disagree with me. Each to their own, I guess. And, I spend entirely too much time on the computer, between work and my blogging. It drains me, too. Alana


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