Music Monday - Tom Lehrer

Drew and I caught a PBS show last week, a concert by Tom Lehrer.

The second-most popular artist on Dr. Demento’s  late- night radio show (the first being Weird Al Yankovic), Tom Lehrer was a Harvard professor who rose to fame in the 1950’s and 1960’s with his biting satirical songs.  Some songs were political, touching on race relations, the Cold War, and most importantly, nuclear weapons.  Others ... were ribald, tasteless and even quite gruesome. All were entertaining.

He wrote 37 songs, and retired from performing in the early 1970’s.

In the 80’s his songs were presented as a musical review, an off-Broadway show named Tomfoolery.

Let’s start with one of his most popular songs:

Let’s talk race relations.

And “the Bomb”.

How about a folk song?

Bonus hit.  Daniel Radcliffe on The Graham Norton Show:


  1. Robin,

    LOL you brought some giggles to my lips with your song picks for this week! Although Tom Lehrer's name sounds familiar I don't think it's because he's a mewsician but I think I'm getting him confused with someone else. Oh doesn't really matter because I truly enjoyed the introduction to his mewsic as well as the funny ditty sung by Daniel Radcliffe. It's great having you on the dance floor today, my dear. Have a boogietastic week!!

  2. I didn't know he could 'sing', lol Have a great day, friend. smiles

  3. There was an all-night talk show in Chicago that I'd liten to when I was in high school, and that was the first time I heard Tom Lehrer. My favorites are "the Vatican Rag," "The Masochism Tango," and "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park."

  4. Nice choices, all new to me.Have a nice week.

  5. This wasn't the guy I was thinking of before, but he's in the same vein. Great stuff.

  6. OMG. National Brotherhood Week was about 40 years ahead of its time. Poisoning Pigeons in the Park is another favorite of mine. I can definitely see why you didn't include "The Vatican Rag" but there are those who love it (I don't think it could be written today). I had an argument with my husband after playing him your songs, by the way, because spouse thought "I'm Looking Over My Dead Dog Rover" was a Tom Lehrer song. I said it wasn't. So we looked it up and it isn't. Too bad. He should have written it. Alana

  7. well, I just got schooled. I did not know any of these...except Danielle Radcliffe.

  8. These are all new to me - thanks for sharing! Hope you're having a great weekend!


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