Wednesday HodgePodge

Joyce has another round of HodgePodge today:

1. Where have you found unexpected magic or delight this holiday season?

Actually, nothing unexpected, but I have seen some wonderful things this holiday season.I always like the Chanukah party we have at my synagogue, and the outpouring of love I see as we collect toys for the hcildren of indigent families. 

 2. What's your favorite type of holiday gathering? Will you/have you gathered in your favorite way this month?

The stereotype fits -- on Christmas morning a group of us will go to the movies.  Later we will have dinner, at a Chinese restaurant or a kosher deli. 

 3. Time has named 'The Silence Breakers' (women who came forward with stories of harassment)  'person of the year' for 2017. Would you agree? If not, who do you think deserves the title?

Totally agree.  It's time to change the culture of this society.  While I fear we will have an overcorrection, eventually we will find the right place.  Thank you, ladies, for speaking out.

 4. How did you spend your time this year? Are you happy about that? Elaborate

I've spent time on political activism, on giving to charity, on self improvement, and hanging out with friends and family.  How could any of that be bad?  I would have liked some time for travel, but...

 5. Bid farewell to 2017 in ten words or less.

Good riddance, bring on the midterm elections.

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

I am worried about family members who are facing a crisis and who seem to be dealing with it by  rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


  1. It is heart warming to notice so many small kindnesses extended this time of year. I’m sure they are always around us, but something about the years end makes us more aware. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. Love your answer to #5. Hope the situation in #6 straightens itself out. We go to the movies on Christmas too. Sadly, no Chinese tho. Enjoy your weekend!!

  3. You do have a way with words. I kinda get the #6 thang...praying it straightens itself out and that no one goes down with the ship. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year!

  4. Re: rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Sometimes that's all someone is able to do at the time. It's better to avoid the disaster, of course, but sometimes people can't face it in the moment. Just a thought.


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