Wednesday HodgePodge

This week's questions from Joyce.
1. 'Hurry less, worry less'...what's your strategy for making that happen this holiday season? How's it going so far?
I'm very laid back about the holidays. Maybe it's because, being Jewish, I never got caught up in the Christmas hype.
2. Do you have a list of to-dos that need accomplishing in order to prepare your home and/or property for the winter season? What are some of the jobs on your list? Are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire someone to accomplish these tasks?
I got a new snow brush for my car. Does that count?
3. According to dietitians surveyed, the most popular health foods for 2018 will be -turmeric, sprouted foods (bean sprouts, breads with sprouted grains, etc), veggies in place of grains, dairy free milk, and pulses (lentils, chickpeas, etc). What's the first thought that ran through your head when you read this list? Of the foods listed which one might you add to your regular diet? Also, can milk really be dairy free? Is it still milk?
I love all of the foods on that list. Well, except for the dairy free milk. I like real dairy products, I have never developed a taste for soy milk or almond milk or the like. And I am not ready to give up on grains. Paleo doesn't appeal to me.
4. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2018 is Ultra Violet. According to the Pantone site 'Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking pointing us to the future.' What say you? Do you like the color purple? Did you see the movie or read the book-ha!? Is purple a color you wear often? Describe for us one purple item in your home without using the word purple. If you were in charge of such things what color would you select for 2018?
Purple happens to be my favorite color. Lots of purple in my wardrobe. Surprisingly little of it in my home, though. But that can change. My birthdstone is the amethyst, and I love it.
5. Favorite book read this year?
The Cuban Affair by Nelson DeMille. He always has his pulse on what's happening internationally.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Chag Chanukah Sameach. Happy Chanukah. Is it latke time yet?
Ah turmeric. I've been hearing a lot about that. Now I see why.