Big Trees, Broadway and The Beatles, Part 2

So then it was on to the Theater District. We got a cup of coffee and headed to Times Square.  They still have "2015" at One Times Square, I think they wait until after Chrsitmas to get the ball ready for New Year's.

(Excuse the poor videography, it's a cheap camera and a poorly trained videographer.)

Noises Off.   I'd seen it, several years ago, with my sisters and my daughters -- we were seated in the front row, and Peter Gallagher literally climbed over us to get onto the stage.  But Drew had never seen it.

It's comedy, it's farce, it's very funny.  It uses the play-within-a-play format, engaging in lots of physical comedy, including lots of banging doors, and some witty lines.  Very enjoyable.

And how do the Beatles fit into all of this?

We finished off the evening at the Hard Rock CafĂ©.  Drew had a steak and I had a pulled pork sandwich.  And we were seated directly under this:

 photo AMBA0184.jpg

Here are the links to our previous Christmas adventures:
