Sunken Meadow Redux -- Autumn at the Beach

On Sunday I realized that  I'd only been to a park once in the entire month of September.  And I really, really missed it.  I mean, Leslie Sansone and Fitness Blender provide fine indoor workouts, but walking in a park doesn't just exercise my body, it enriches my soul.  Life has been too hectic these past few weeks to find the time for a stroll along the boardwalk, but I was hopeful....  And then I looked at the weather forecast -- gray and rainy expected all week long.  So disappointing.

And then it was Wednesday, and as I walked out of the office at 5:00....sunshine!  So unexpected, but...I figured if I drove straight to the beach, I'd have an hour to walk on the boardwalk before the park closed. 

Summer is over, the crowds have gone home, but there were a significant number of people on the boardwalk.

Sunken Meadow is a North Shore park,on Long Island Sound,  not a barrier beach like Jones Beach.  The boardwalk separates the sandy beach from the woods.  Now that it's autumn, the beach grass and seagulls are re-taking the sand.  Autumn color is starting to touch the leaves.  And it's so quiet now -- you could actually hear the waves breaking on the shoreline.   The wind was blowing in from the Sound, I could actually taste the salt in the air.    Perfect conditions for a walk.

Beach grass:

Autumn color:

Seagulls :

I guess this guy didn't want his picture taken.  He was standing on the boardwalk, but took off as soon as I pulled out my camera.


  1. The son of a friend visited this park Friday, with his family. So, the name was immediately familiar. I have not been to Long Island (except for visiting people I know in Brooklyn) for many years. It's a part of New York State my husband and I have never explored. Thank you for taking me there through your pictures. Alana


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