Our evening began at the Stage Deli, a place I have come to love. Tonight I ordered the sandwich special -- a half sandwich with a side of potato salad. My "go-to" sandwich is pastrami on rye, which was plated with a sour pickle and a half sour pickle. Pastrami was a little on the greasy side. Potato salad was very basic. There were no leftovers. Drew had his usual tongue sandwich with russian dressing. The sandwiches here are overstuffed, and half a sandwich is usually enough for us.
Next we walked over to Studio 54. This place started as a theater in1927 before it was converted to the famed disco/celebrity hangout. But has once again returned to its roots. Tonight's offering: "Harvey" starring Jim Parsons (if you were wondering what tv stars do on their summer vacations, they come to Broadway.)
Before I talk about the play, let me talk about the theater.
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, people would "dress" for the theater. They would wear elegant evening attire, and they would try to act polite and sophisticated.
I understand we live in a less formal society now, but OMG. I don't expect formalwear at the theater, but can we strive for dressy casual? I've seen better attire at ball games and movie theaters. Dress comfortably but show some respect for the performers please.
And we do not climb over seats to get to the next row!!!
You'd think it was common sense to put your cell phone on vibrate in a theater. Apparently the little speech they give before the curtain goes up isn't enough. The woman who sat three seats down the row is lucky to be alive. The curyain goes up, two actors come onto the stage, the dialogue begins . . .and her cell phone goes off. And she has it at full volume, with a song as her ringtone, and the phone is at the very bottom of her bag.
But the play, written in 1944, is funny and poignant and whimsical. I never saw the movie with Jimmy Stewart, so I really have nothing to compare it to, but I did like the show. Jim Parson was excellent. I also liked Carol Kane, she had only one scene but it was memorable.
Lots of tourists in Times Square tonight. It's good that they're spending $$$$ here . . .but someone needs to tell them it's a sideWALK, not a side-stand-and-block-traffic.
On the train now, so tired . . .
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