
Showing posts from February, 2025

Saturday 9

  My Blue Heaven What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! Saturday 9: My Blue Heaven (1955)      Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it  here .     1) The music for "My Blue Heaven" was written by Walter Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson was a gifted piano player who used his talent to entertain the troops on leave during WWI. What's something you're naturally good at? Communication.  Talking, writing, explaining, debating, arguing. 2) The lyrics were written by George Whiting. He began his career on stage as a song-and-dance man. While touring, he met and fell in love with...

Feline Friday

 Another confrontation  It starts with two cats on the floor And then Shadow tried to sneak up on Duchess … but Duchess must have eyes in the back of her head … Let the growling begin A moment later she hissed and took a swipe at Shadow. Shadow walked away … or did she? Eventually peace and quiet returned… And later that day


 Suburban sunset The planes fly low around here #skywatchfriday

Weekday walk

 So the weather was warm. Almost springlike.  I just had to take a short walk. I saw this That’s a classic Chevy Nova.  Probably from the early 1970’s.  Lots of birds in this neighborhood.  Over the weekend I even saw seagulls.  Too often they fly away when I try to take a photo. But this dove was just posing for me. I’m glad I can get out and walk again.

Purge time

 Remember  The Big Purge ? In June 2023, as I moved out of my apartment and moved in with Drew,  I went through my closet and got rid of all the clothes that I could no longer wear,  I’d lost some weight and the clothes were too big,  I had 14 bags of clothes to donate. Plus sized clothes, which are very much in demand. There’s a charity that comes to your house.  You bag up the items you want to donate, and you leave the bags where the driver can easily find them.  They happily took my 14 bags. A year later, the charity sent a text, they’d have a truck in the area and did I have anything to donate?   This time I had only six bags. They’re coming again today.  I have only two bags this time.  But it’s clothing I’ve hardly worn.  A few garments have never been worn, and still have tags…  It feels good to get rid of clothing that is just too big … And even better that the clothes are going to a worthy charity.

Why did I even bother? DNA testing …

So I joined  awhile ago to do a little genealogy research.  I knew a bit about my grandparents but wanted to learn more.  So my maternal grandfather Harry was born in 1900, in a city called Radom, which was then in Russia but is now in Poland. He came to this country by crossing the Rio Grande, walking over a bridge that led from Mexico to El Paso, Texas. He died when my mother was a little girl.  My maternal grandmother Dora  was born in 1902, in a province called Galicia, then part of Austria but now part of Poland.  She came to this country through Ellis Island.  She is the only grandparent I knew. She died in 1996. My paternal grandparents came from the same village, I’m not sure if it was in Ukraine or Belarus.  My grandfather was born in 1887 and died in 1958.  My grandmother was born in 1890 and died in 1956.  He came to this country around 1907, she arrived in 1911 and they were married in 1912.  So, after...

Pinafore and The Simpsons


More this and that

 Supermarket shopping on a Tuesday afternoon (after work) is relatively easy, the store isn’t very crowded.   But why do they make it so difficult for us short girls to reach the things we want?  At least the store has a nice selection of gluten free foods.  I bought fresh Brussels sprouts and cooked them in my air fryer.  They get so crispy!   Tomorrow night I’ll have Zoodles with spaghetti sauce.   I’m home alone tonight, just me and the cats.  Drew is at a rehearsal for Pinafore .  I’m so glad he’s doing the show!  He loves Gilbert & Sullivan and he’s really having fun.  I told him that I’ll be happy to sell tickets or anything else they might need — as a former PTA participant, dance and cheer mom, and Sisterhood member, I’m very familiar with fundraising … I don’t know the dates of the performances yet, but I think we will have a very busy time in June and July. And because I’m home alone I get to indulge in tv shows that D...

This and that

 At yesterday’s Mets game, one of  the umpires was a woman!  You go, girl … Spring training game, no winner — the score was tied at the end of 9 innings, so they chose to stop playing.  And I’m so happy baseball is back. Spring training is fine, but they don’t show a lot of the games, unlike the regular season …Opening day is in 31 days.  In the meantime, we’re still bingeing Star Trek: Enterprise. I bought some nail polish from Amazon.  Since it’s a personal care item, it was shipped in an envelope that read “Amazon pharmacy”, leading Drew to make jokes about “buying good drugs” and was I willing to share?  Yeah, pink is definitely his color … I probably should have ordered more hand cream while I was at it.  And maybe some cuticle cream.  This winter weather is murder on my skin. I can’t wait for warmer weather. But at least it’s warm enough to walk the neighborhood.  I really enjoy walking. The last time I walked, I couldn’t help but ...

Music Monday

 The theme? Fever – cabin or running one

Weekend walking

The weather has improved, so I was able to walk the neighborhood this weekend. Saturday’s walk: Some people just can’t let go of Christmas. This house, which sits on a corner lot, has two driveways.  The original driveway leads to the front door.  The garage was added later; it faces a different street than the house.   I happened to catch an airplane flying over the house. Yeah, they do fly low around here. And then there was the helicopter. We see a lot of helicopters around here, too.   It felt good to be outside. And 5hen, Sunday, another walk. Saw a house that was still decorated for fall. Yes, fall. I couldn’t bring myself to take a picture. But these two houses…I love the look of a wraparound porch. I walked three miles on Sunday, and still managed to get home in time to watch the Mets game   

More ramblings

 Baseball is back!  So good to be watching spring  training games. Soto hit a home run his first at bat as a Met.  They won the game 6-2. A good omen? If baseball is back, can the spring weather be far behind?  I am not a fan of cold weather.  Daylight Saving Time is fast approaching.  I won’t complain about the extra hour of daylight, but the time shift … not my favorite… But I guess the extra hour of daylight means no excuses, I can take walks after work.  And that’s not a bad thing,

Emotional dilemma

 I’m not sure how I should feel about something that happened tonight. We had tickets to see Jeff Dunham at the UBS Arena.  We’re big fans. We’ve seen almost all of his tv specials.  We’d previously seen him live at the Nassau Coliseum in  2013  and at Westbury Music Fair in  2014 .  I even named my blue Prius “Peanut”. (IYKYK). Overall it was a great evening. We had wonderful seats, floor seats, four rows back from the stage. (No photos from the show itself, they asked us to please not take photos or videos during the performance,) I was able to get a burger on a gluten free bun - ridiculously expensive but delicious. Jeff was hysterically funny.  And at the end of the night Drew bought me a t shirt — I chose a blue one with Peanut on the front. Now here’s the thing that happened that has left me in an emotional quandary. Background:  As you know, thanks to Wegovy I have lost 120 pounds.  I’m still 40 pounds above my ideal weight, but t...

Saturday 9

  Flowers What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! Saturday 9: Flowers (2023)      Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it  here .   1)  In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do you more often wear gold or silver? I wear both.    2) She also sings the praises of buying herself flowers. Are there any cut flowers in your home right now?  My birthday was Tuesday. Drew gave me roses.   3) She tells us she's going to paint her nails cherry red. Do you handle your own mani/pedi, do you go to a salon, or do you just let your...

Feline Friday

 What’s this?    It’s got some of Mommy’s stuff     Trying to figure it out … If I sit on it, maybe Mommy won’t leave … Maybe I’ll nap here, so Mommy can’t leave  (Not to worry,I was gone for just one night, my cousin’s wedding …) I must share the birthday card I got from Duchess And someone wanted to smell the roses  And some video …