Eisenhower Park

Guess where I was last week? The lake at Eisenhower, of course.

I really love walking there.

This goose (gander?) was all alone.  I was surprised, because geese usually hang out in groups.  Was he wounded, unable to fly?  Or ostracized by his flock?

I found this guy sitting on  the coping (it's a man-made lake), just sunning himself.

This little guy was sitting on the lawn, watching the people walk by.

The ducks were enjoying the water.

I usually don't take photos of people in the park, but i made an exception for this guy.  He showed up with hi s karaoke equipment and a playlist form the early 1970's (James Taylor, Gordon Lightfoot, Jim Croce) and put on a show.  And when I walked over to drop some money in his box, I realized he was fundraising for a charity.  So I doubled my donation.


  1. I hope you stayed far away from that goose. Interesting place to raise money for charity.

  2. I think I was the only one to put money in the box. Maybe it was the playlist.


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