Another this and that

So ... more hacking. Drew tried to sign in to his Amazon account but couldn’t access it.  Someone had changed the email address associated with the account.  He had to call Amazon to recover his account, and then he had to cancel his credit card.  There were no fraudulent purchases on the card, but still, you have to be careful.

We had a special election the other day.  We had to fill a vacancy in the New York State Assembly.  This district had been a Republican safe seat for 40 years.  But we flipped the seat!  It doesn’t change the balance of power in Albany, the Democrats are the majority in our state Assembly, but I think I’m sensing a trend that I hope will continue in November.

I took a walk at Sunken Meadow Monday night.  It’s a much smaller park than Jones Beach, not as busy, and a nice place for quiet contemplation and a pleasant walk.  I’m looking forward to many more walks in the coming weeks.

I have an appointment with a doctor Monday afternoon.  I need surgery.  Nothing life altering, but something that has to get done soon.  I’m hoping for a quick recovery, so I can go back to the beach to walk as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Drew and I are headed to Philly today, another follow up appointment with the specialist.  A road trip of sorts...

I want a real road trip soon, to someplace fun.


  1. You should plan that road trip. So you have something to look forward to when you're ready.

    Sucks with the Amazon account. I hope no other issues crop up with it.

  2. I've had good luck with amazon. Sure hope you can get back to walking.
    Coffee is on


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