Sweet Hollow Park

It's a brand new park, just opened.  A small neighborhood park.  About 8 acres.

There is a playground.

A basketball court.

Tennis anyone?

And what they call "passive parkland", just grassy areas and gravel pathways where you can walk.

A nice park, to be sure, but nothing special, nothing blogworthy...

Unless you realize that this used to be Meyer's Farm.

When I was a child, my dad would take us to Meyer's Farm every October.  It was a "pick your own" pumpkin farm.  We'd pick out a few  pumpkins, then take them home, paint them, and display them on the front porch for Halloween.

By the time Jen and Becca went to Meyers, they  had added pony rides, hay rides and a bounce house.

We were sad when the farm closed, but there are other farms in the area...

tThere was talk that the farmland would become a housing development, or maybe an office building.

The "passive parkland" was once a pumpkin field.  And the playground sits on the site of the farm stand, where you could buy fresh produce, decorations, etc.

Sweet memories.


  1. Sad that the farm is gone. Happy that they didn't develop it into housing or the like.


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