another this and that

Becca is very excited.  Her boyfriend, who until now has been living with his parents on Long Island,  will be moving to the city next month. He and his cousin found an apartment on the East Side, Lexington and 34th.  Becca lives on 43rd and 10th, she prefers the West Side, but certainly won't object to traveling across town to see him.

Jen hasn't said much about her boyfriend lately.  I don't know why they broke up, I don't know why they reconciled.  He's a nice guy, and if he makes her happy ...

So Drew and I went to see L last weekend.  Her physical circumstances have not changed, but her mindset is so different, much healthier, as she works on resolving her medical issues and moving towards the next stage of her life.  I'm glad. 

Meanwhile, Drew has had a setback in his own medical condition.  The most recent tests were not good.  He has an appointment with his doctor in about a month, but he's trying to get that moved up.

I'm growing more concerned about my mother...

My health insurance woes have resolved, I was able to sign up for coverage and should be getting my ID cards any day now. 

I think I will be dropping my Planet Fitness membership and rejoining the Jewish Community Center.  I was a JCC member for many years, when the girls were little.  I took a tour of the JCC last week, and I am impressed by their updated athletic facilities.  They have a great pool, lots of cardio equipment, an indoor track,  interesting classes.  The one place they're weak is circuit training/weight training equipment.  I'm mostly interested in the aqua aerobics and the yoga classes.  I'm really trying to stay fit and healthy.  And exercise is a good way to combat the winter blahs, isn't it?

We had another meditation program at our synagogue last week.  Much shorter than the one presented by Rabbi Roth, and geared towards beginners.  Our own rabbi will be giving the next presentation, at the end of this month, and I'm interested to hear his take on Kabbalah.  I'm finding the programs to be very interesting, very insightful.

I'll be heading to DC on Saturday, political activism at its finest.  I'll be sure to tell you all about it when I get back.


  1. Replies
    1. Have a good trip Songbird. How about some live updates? I will be looking for you on C-Span.


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