Weight Watchers and all that

So since I quit Weight Watchers....

I started by using My Fitness Pal and tracking calories.  Then my Facebook group started talking about all the apps they use -- iTrackBites, ProTracker, Ultimate Food Value Diary.  These are knockoff apps that allow the user to follow the old Weight Watchers plan, Points Plus.

You know, the plan I started using back in March?

Seeing those apps was like coming home.

I think the best one, in terms of layout, is Ultimate Food Value Diary.  And, joyfully, there's an in-app purchase that allows you to link the app with Fitbit, so activity points are calculated automatically.

Right now I'm following Points Plus, using the Ultimate Food Value Diary.

But I'm also tracking on My Fitness Pal.  It has a better database of foods, and it's giving me good feedback about the nutritional content of the foods I eat.    And I'm seeing a real relationship between the "points" I'm using and the calories and nutritional value of the things I'm eating.  The secret to losing weight and, more importantly, keeping it off, is learning how to eat a healthy and satisfying diet.

In the short time I tried to follow the Smart Points plan, I tracked on My Fitness Plan as well.  There was no real relationship between the point values and the calories I was using.

So many people are  angry about Smart Points.    Some are always hungry and frustrated.  Some are following the plan but gaining weight,  Meeting leaders are at a loss on how to help members.  I've seen copies of the email recently sent to current members, they're already making major modifications to the program.

So glad I'm no longer part of that!

I'm just a few pounds away from the big 5-0.  Yes, I've lost almost 50 pounds.

Yeah, i got this.


  1. Came in form Ramblin with AM. I was member of weight watches ages ago. I couldn't afford it then and sure can't afford it now.
    I belong to our local T.O.P.S (taking off pounds sensible) Anyhow our closes place for weight watcher is a good 30 miles away.
    I used to use fit day but I figure I was sitting to much. One of over ladies in T.O.P.S uses My fitness Pal.

    Coffee is on

  2. Since I left Weight Watchers in January, I have had several really bad eating days (stress eating, my weakness). Today, at the doctor, I weighed in at the weight that I once said "I will never reach again". Alarm bells rang....I need some kind of support. I need to see if there is a MyFitnessPal for my iPhone 4S operating with the original operating system. If not, I may have to, er, borrow my husband's tablet. I'm sorry to hear of the difficulties WW is having with SmartPoints, because the people who join and don't get the value are being hurt, both financially and emotionally, by them putting the program out there without (it would seem) truly testing it. It is an expensive program, as pepperlady points out. They owe it to their members. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  3. I think My Fitness Pal should work with your phone, Alana. What I like about it, it has apps for iPhone/iPad and for Android, and the apps sync with the website and back up your data on the website.


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