
I'm sure I've posted this before. Jews are commanded to pray three times a day. They can recite most prayers as individuals, but some prayers may only be said while part of a group called a minyan -- 10 adults (the Orthodox say 10 men, but we Conservatives count women).  Our synagogue is fortunate enough to be able to hold two prayer services every day, a morning service and a combined afternoon/evening service. We never seem to have a problem making a quorum of 10 in the morning, but at night... Periodically the Rabbi or the Cantor will call me to ask me to come to the service, to be the 10th needed to form a minyan.

It happened again last night.  I'd come home from the unveiling, and was just hanging around the house when the Cantor called.  Of course I went.

The Amidah is a lengthy prayer that is recited at every service. In our prayerbook the Amidah runs about  4-5 pages.  Since our service encompasses both afternoon and evening prayers, we recite the Amidah twice.  Tonight my eye focused on one short paragraph --  the paragraph that asks G-d to send healing to one who is ill.

I have not posted much about my father's illness.  He's still in rehab, has not been living at home since May 10.  Lately he's been coming home to visit, though he still goes back to the rehab facility to sleep.  He's doing much better, and will come home for good in a short time.    But he has not been "cured"; the conditions that sent him to the hospital in May are under control but not gone.  And it hurts to see him weak and debilitated.

Dear G-d, keep him healthy, keep him safe.


  1. Keep him healthy, keep him safe. He's in my prayers, as well.


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