Hooray for Harry Potter

Funny what brings a mom and daughter together, isn't it?

Jen received the first Harry Potter novel when she was 11 years old, the same age as Harry was in that first novel.

Jen read it.  Becca read it.  I read it.

Not only were my children hooked, so was I.  I have always loved fantasy  -- I read the Lord of the Ring Trilogy in high school, I love the Pern books, and anything to do with Merlin and Camelot has me weak in the knees.

As each new book was announced, we'd pre-order it so that we'd have it the very first day.  By the time Order of the Phoenix came around I was ordering three copies of each book.

And then there were the movies.  We've all seen them, many times.  Own each one on DVD.  Pre-ordered Deathly Hallows Part I.  Counting down to Deathly Hallows Part II in July.  Remember when my kids bought The Tales of Beadle the Bard for me?

We had loads of Harry Potter stuff from the late, lamented Warner Brothers Store -- I still have a couple of t-shirts....

Jen borrowed appropriated her father's Harry Potter Scene-It game...

Becca was home for spring break last week.  And one of the cable stations had a Harry Potter marathon going on.  So of course we sat together and watched...it was the first time in a long time the two of us just sat and watched a movie together....


  1. I know it's a you and the girls thing, but you so need to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter when you visit Florida.


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