Bon Jovi/Meadowlands Stadium

:ast Saturday night at Meadowlands date with Bon Jovi.

The drive to the Meadowlands Sports Complex was easy. Once we got there, once we paid for parking...that's when the oddessy began. Twenty minutes later we finally found the parking lot. Then it was a 15 minute walk from the lot to the stadium.

Here's a shot from where we parked:


You can see the remnants of Giants Stadium next to the new Meadowlands Stadium.

and here's the remnant of Giants Stadium up close:


and the new stadium:


We sat in nosebleed territory:


an usher told us "If you want to work here, they take you up to the very top row of the stadium to see if you freak out...we actually have people freak out when they see how high up they're sitting."

Stadium food was...well, stadium food. burgers, hot dogs, pretzels...

opening act: Kids of Survival. Not bad but not great. then it was One Republic's turn to take the stage -- they sang for about 230 minutes, including their two big hits "Apologize{ and "Stop and Stare".

And then it was time for Bon Jovi to take the stage. they played -- and Jon sang -- for over 2 1/2 hours.

Here's the set list:

1. Who Says You Can't Go Home
2. We Weren't Born to Follow
3. You Give Love a Bad Name
4. In These Arms
5. Born to Be My Baby
6. Just Older
7. We Got It Goin' On
8. Raise Your Hands
9. When We Were Beautiful
10. Superman Tonight
11. Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars
12. Bad Medicine
13. It's My Life )this one is my favorite)
14. Love's the Only Rule
15. Lay Your Hands On Me
16. Living in Sin
17. I'll Be There For You
18. Something for the Pain
19. Diamond Ring
20. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead /Jumping Jack Flash
21. I'd Die For You
22. Work for the Working Man
23. Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
24. Keep the Faith
25. Dry County
26. Wanted Dead or Alive
27. Livin' On A Prayer

Didn't even try to take photos or video, we were so high up ....

A few thoughts about the crowd. For the most part people had a great time, singing and dancing to the music. but....

Drew and I wound up in the "drunk and rude" section. I don't have a problem with anyone enjoying an adult beverage. ..but if you spent most of the evening at the beer concessions stand and the restrooms then you probably should have saved the money you spent on the ticket and just gone to a bar. And for that matter. .. please stop running your mouth about how he's not doing all those great songs from the 1980' must have escaped your attention that they're calling this "The Circle Tour" because his most recent album is called. guessed it.."The Circle".

Getting home was an ordeal, too....first the long walk back to the parking lot, then the long drive out of the sports complex...then the GPS error taking us 13 minutes out of our way...and the hour-long wait at the Lincoln tunnel toll booths


a great evening, despite the hassles...


  1. I have a personal "no drinking at concerts" rule for the very reason you described. Just the act of standing in all the lines to get your drink and then pee it out means you miss half the concert! Time value of money & all that, but I paid to see and hear the musicians no matter how far away I'm sitting!
    Whenever I've been to a stadium tour I've been in nose bleeds too. I kinda like that birds eye view of all the action!

  2. Exactly. I paid megabucks to see the show not the beer concession stand. We get our food before the show... Or the game (at Citi Field).


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