welcome 2010

It's the start of a new month and the start of a new year.  some would say, the start of a new decade -- I am a purist and realize that 2010 is the last year of the decade, just as 2000 was the last year of the millenium.

This is a year full of changes, a year full of promise.I will, G-d willing, have a major celebration in February -- my 50th birthday.  What a milestone that is in anyone's life.  but for me it's even more important -- just before my 45th birthday (in January 2005)  I was diagnosed with uterine cancer, and genuinely wondered if I would make the "5 year" mark.  Of course, this "double occasion" will be celebrated with as much joie de vivre as I can possibly muster, on a cruise to the Caribbean.  My birthday will be spent visiting tropical rainforest and ancient Mayan ruins, and with a lavish dinner aboard ship that night.

There will be other lifestyle changes as well.  Becca will graduate from high school at the end of June and will head off to college in the fall.  So I will soon become an "empty nester".   How I will fill my days is about to change.  It's "me" time now, isn't it?  

It will be an interesting year, watching my daughters grow into strong, independent women, developing my own interests....and then, of course, there's Drew.Who would have thought I would find romance again, let alone with my ex-husband?    I am nurturing this new/old love and cannot wait to see where it goes.

So let me wish you all a happy and a healthy new year.  Let's see how this one turns out!


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