World Series!!!!!

After that abomination Monday night, I am really looking forward to tonight's game in the Bronx. They have to win at home, to christen the new stadium with champagne and a trophy.

Yes,I am a Mets fan. And yes, I am rooting for the Yankees.

I am the product of a "mixed marriage". My father, raised in Brooklyn, was a Dodgers fan until that rat fink O'Malley took them away.

My mother grew up in the Bronx.

My parents' first date was at Yankee Stadium, they saw DiMaggio play.

My loyalties were always divided, I like the Yankees and the Mets. That makes me a bit of an oddball here in New York. Back in 2000, when we had a Subway Series, I was beside myself. Until the Mets lost....and I went into mourning. I like the Yankees, but I LOVE the Mets. couldn't bring myself to go to the victory parade, even though I'd been to the parades in prior years.

Drew is a die-hard Mets fan. Hates the Yanks with a passion usually reserved for rattlesnakes and tarantulas.

I raised our kids to be Mets fans...until they got corrupted by their friends and went over to "the dark side"....though they do look good in Yankee pinstripes.

So it's back to the Bronx....
