the Renaissance Faire

We had such a good time Saturday!

We drove from Long Island up to Tuxedo, NY to the New York Renaissance Faire. I used to love to go, but it's been years since I've been, and I was so happy when Drew suggested a day trip.

We ate breakfast in tuxwdo, at a diner that hasn't changed since the 1970's -- but the food was wonderful. I ordered scrambled eggs with sausage, he ordered scrambled eggs with bacon. I gave him half my sausage and he gave me half his bacon.

then it was on to the Faire!

click on the photos to enlarge.

there is so much to do at a Renaissance Faire.

First of all, there's the crowd. Many people come in costume -- mostly Renaissance, some medieval, some venturing into fantasy with (era-appropriate) elves and fairies. A lot of the younger ladies like to wear belly dancing attire. And since "Pirates of the Caribbean" has become so popular, you see a lot of pirates at the faire too.

Then there are the craft merchants -- you can buy period clothing, weaponry, jewelry, toys... Drew bought a "catapult" -- it shoots marshmallows!

I bought a pewter figuring to add to my collection:

really liked this chess set:

Of course there's food! You can get turkey legs, all sorts of sandwiches, fries, ice cream....there are peddlers, each pushing a wheelbarrow with a pickle barrel mounted on it, selling kosher dills.We never bothered with lunch, but we had smoothies and shared some popcorn and a funnel cake.

there's lots of activity -- rides and facepainting for the hcildren, games for adults. We shot archery, and drew threw knives and stars at a target.

Wandering around, we found the Kissing Bridge (and you know what that meant!) Here's the birdge, but as for the'll just have to imagine it.

We had a good laugh when we found this:

Most of the the faire are portapotties, so to find indoor plimbing...and the truth of the matter is, DaVinci really did draw plans for one.

but the best part of the faire is the entertainment. You can't possibly see all the entertaiment in one day! From the moment you enter the faire you are greeted by street performers doing improv. there are running story lines about the Queen and her court, and Robin Hood and his men, which include events such as a Living Chess Board and jousting. there are acrobats, musicians, comedians, jugglers.
This was a pirate parody:

I also has a psychic do a reading for me. she was very on target.

the day ends with a joust. It was wonderful. I haven't checked my video of the joust yet, but will post it later if it it came out ok.

unfortunately one of the jousters got hurt during the performance, but he stayed in character until the joust was over. of course, the fact that his character dies...and has to lie still for about 5 minutes...probably made it easier.

we're already talking about next year!


  1. I've never been to the Faire. Hmm, maybe my husband and I will take the kids next year.


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