I love it....

So we've finally reached the end of Passover. Tonight we can go back to our normal way of eating. So yeah, I think I was just a bit obsessed with Passover this year. It was an interesting holiday. Remember when I posted about our family's Passover heirloom ? A Seder plate bought by my grandparents, used at every Seder my father lead, as far back as I can remember. The back of the plate bears the inscription: BARDIGER, London, and TEPPER, London with a circular seal that says, Manufactured by Ridgway England My sister found the same plate, but in blue, on eBay ! Here's what it looks like: They have it listed for $350. I saw another blue one listed for $175, don't remember which auction site that was. So I did a little research. This design was first registered by Ridgways, the Staffordshire manufacturer of the plate, in 1923. (I thought it was earlier than that, I thought the plate was made before WW I.) "B...