

 My grandmother was a very superstitious woman.  She was born in rural Poland in 1902 and had to drop out of school after 4th grade to help take care of her family, so you can understand why she relied on folk wisdom and superstitions. She always told a story about how, when she was a little girl, she once got so angry at a man in her village that she told him “Go to Hell”, and how he dropped dead just a few days later.  And then she’d tell the story about, as a woman in her 70’s, when she  used to spend a month in a hotel in Miami Beach, she had a fight with another old lady, told the other woman “Go to Hell”, and the woman died suddenly. It happened only twice. many decades apart, and was probably coincidence, especially in Miami Beach. The old lady who died was apparently in poor health.   But my grandmother truly believed she had cursed her enemies. I, on the other hand, am an educated woman who relies mostly on logical reasoning. But … Remember that house we wanted to rent last Ju

Cat ramblings

He acts like he owns the place, doesn’t he?  I know he’s not a stray, he lives across the street. But he visits almost every night, almost as if he wants to live here. And why not?  Our cats have a very comfortable life. Duchess and Shadow are indoor cats.  We don’t feel comfortable allowing them to wander around the neighborhood.  Too many things could go wrong. Duchess once accidentally wandered out to Drew’s patio.  When she realized she was  outside  she panicked.  I called her name, and it was the first time she ever came when called. Shadow once followed Drew out the front door … she had to be coaxed out from under Drew’s car; we keep her away from the door now. Jen was here the other day.  She told me that an orange cat came to visit my sisters’ house.   Beautiful orange cat with a very long tail. Clearly a neighbor’s cat, not a stray. The cat showed up the same day my sister brought home  Redford’s  cremated remains.  Redford, as you’ll recall, was an orange cat,  so of course

Cat highway

 The orange one is back, and so is the tuxedo.

Gotcha day

 This kitten  Has become a cat … Happy Gotcha Day, Moon Shadow!

Music Monday

 Before I get to the full playlist, here’s something new from Stevie Nicks How about some Journey?               


 So the tuxedo cat who was in the back yard the other day … Shadow and I saw him walking down the sidewalk.  He’s too small to trigger the camera from that distance, so you’ll have to take my word for it.  Shadow was beside herself … But then this happened Two came into the yard, but only one left … I’d never seen the black one before…wondering if I’ll see him again. 

The oldest garment in the closet?

 So the other day I put on my favorite zip-up hoodie and noticed that the cuffs are fraying.  Sigh.  I love this hoodie.  It’s soft, it’s lightweight, it’s perfect  for when the weather is just starting to get cool.  It’s basic gray, goes with everything,   But it’s old.  I’ll wear it around the house, but it’s no longer suitable to wear in public. Sigh. I bought the hoodie in California.  I was on a business trip to San Diego. It was June, and I assumed that I was heading to “sunny California “.  No one warned me about “May gray” and “June gloom”.  I didn’t pack any sort of sweater or jacket. Flew into San Diego on a Wednesday evening,  collected my suitcase, picked up my rental car and drove  to my hotel in Mission Valley.  And discovered June gloom.  I was mildly uncomfortable. Spent all of Thursday in meetings, went out to dinner with my colleagues Thursday night.  Spent all day Friday in meetings. So the weather wasn’t a huge factor. But when my colleagues learned that I wasn’t fl