
Another neighborhood walk

We had another cute visitor  Took a long walk in the neighborhood.  I enjoy seeing the quirky changes people have made to their houses, This one looks like it could be a cabin in the mountains.    The door treatment for this one is interesting.    Nice porch. Children of the 60’s will understand my excitement at finding this street. Alas, no Herman or Lily or Eddie or Grandpa or Marilyn …though I’m glad Spot wasn’t around. The neighborhood is getting set for Halloween. I’m just loving spooky season …  


 Update on the dog bite story.  It’s a two-family house. The homeowner had converted the second floor of her house into an accessory apartment, accessible only from the back yard.  The little girl and her mother live in the apartment.  They walked through the gate into the back yard, which startled the homeowner’s two dogs, and one of the dogs attacked the little girl. I saw some video of one of the dogs as they were removed by animal control, it looked like a pit bull… The injuries to the little girl sound horrific, life-altering.  The official report says “severe facial injuries”, but a neighbor who witnessed the aftermath was far more descriptive…I can’t imagine … But at least we don’t have to worry about being attacked by the dogs.  In other news … we’ve had a few days of unseasonably cool weather.  The meteorologist on TV called it “November weather.”  I’m actually enjoying it. It’s going to warm up a bit by the weekend, but it’s still going to be chilly, especially at night.  I l



Neighborhood walk

Most of the trees around here are still green.  A few are starting to change. This one is interesting …  Found a house that looks almost like it did  when the neighborhood was new, back in 1951.  It’s interesting to see all the changes.  No two houses are alike anymore. My neighbor who likes classic cars has another one. Not sure of the make/model/year.  Drew says it’s from the early 1970’s but it’s too beat up to identify l. But I love the guy guarding the vehicle. Another neighbor hired a similar guard for his truck. Yeah, it looks like everyone is getting ready for Halloween. I have to decide what I plan to do …


 Yesterday.  Late afternoon.  Helicopter circling over my house for about 45 minutes.  Very disconcerting. That’s what I love about the Ring app — the Ring community shares information.  Turns out the helicopters I heard were from WABC and WCBS.  Why were they over my head?  Story. Earlier in the day, a little after noon, two women and an 11-year-old girl  were attacked by a dog.   The incident took place about half a mile from my house, just over the border in Hicksville. The girl was airlifted to a hospital with facial injuries and the two women were transported by ambulance for leg injuries.  Animal control has the two dogs that live in the house,  and the police are investigating. Scary.


 My grandmother was a very superstitious woman.  She was born in rural Poland in 1902 and had to drop out of school after 4th grade to help take care of her family, so you can understand why she relied on folk wisdom and superstitions. She always told a story about how, when she was a little girl, she once got so angry at a man in her village that she told him “Go to Hell”, and how he dropped dead just a few days later.  And then she’d tell the story about, as a woman in her 70’s, when she  used to spend a month in a hotel in Miami Beach, she had a fight with another old lady, told the other woman “Go to Hell”, and the woman died suddenly. It happened only twice. many decades apart, and was probably coincidence, especially in Miami Beach. The old lady who died was apparently in poor health.   But my grandmother truly believed she had cursed her enemies. I, on the other hand, am an educated woman who relies mostly on logical reasoning. But … Remember that house we wanted to rent last Ju